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Fantasy Author
“Good people of Chesstel,” Sir Grimnor began, standing on the dais, “such happy faces do the impossible. I complained to our lady just an hour ago that the morning chill was not lifting, yet I feel the heat of summer from your smiles.” — Keepers of Fire
Name pronounced: RIL-eeus
Age: Mid to Late 40s
Physical Description: Dark hair. Bearded. Sober demeanor.
Nine years ago, administrative duties required Sir Rilius Grimnor to move his small family to Chesstel. Head of the ancient Grimnor House, Sir Grimnor seems a sensible, unflappable sort of person, guided by honor and the old Avarian code of conduct. Yet behind this mien lurks a shameful secret, carefully kept by him and his son.
Sir Rilius Grimnor
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